Thassos “the Emerald Island” of the Aegean Sea has, apart from its natural beauty and the warm hospitality of the locals, some excellent accommodation options to offer. Continue reading “Best Reviewed 5 Star Hotels of Thassos!”

Thassos “the Emerald Island” of the Aegean Sea has, apart from its natural beauty and the warm hospitality of the locals, some excellent accommodation options to offer. Continue reading “Best Reviewed 5 Star Hotels of Thassos!”
Best hotels in Thassos: Once you decide to visit the East Macedonian Region of Northern Greece, you know that you cannot miss out the emerald Aegean island of Thassos.
Once you are here, what a better place to start your exploration of the island, experience vivid nightlife and discover Thassian culture, but from Limenas or also known as Thassos Town.
Continue reading “Best hotels in Thassos: Welcome to Hotel Pegasus!”